Sambhota Tibetan School, Tezu
(Primary School)
Managed by Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society
(Under the Department of Education, CTA, Dharamsala)
(Registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860) Registration No. S-E/403/Distt. South-EAST/2014
Sambhota Tibetan School, Tezu
This school was established in 1964 at Dhargyeling Tibetan settlement, Tezu, under the guidance of Central Tibetan School Administration (CTSA).
In the month of July, 2016, it was taken over by Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and it is thus named as Sambhota Tibetan School, Tezu. Our School is Located in the north eastern state of India, Arunachal Pradesh.
This place is politically declared as restricted area. Therefore, the visit for foreigners and sponsors are very difficult. Even we have to seek Inner permit from Ministry of home, government of India to pay visit to this areas. Therefore, the school is deprived of Funding from different aid organizations and Individual Sponsors for around half of the century.
Our school caters to the Educational needs of Dhargyeling Tibetan Children. The curriculum followed is same as other Tibetan schools in India. Children are taught Tibetan and English Language along with mathematics, science, social Studies, EVS, and Art & craft.
The students actively involve themselves in co-curricular activities. The medium of instruction is in Tibetan up to the primary level and in English for middle classes.
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Mr. Tenzin Dorjee (Headmaster Inch., STS Tezu)
Sambhota Tibetan School, Tezu
Dhargyeling Tibetan Settlement,
T.R. Camp No-4, P.O. Tindoling Tezu -792001
District Lohit (Arunachal Pradesh)
Mobile #: 8415086481, 9366810535