Sambhota Tibetan School, Sonada
(Primary School)
CBSE Affiliation No: 2490003, School Code No: 08420
Sambhota Tibetan School, Sonada
Sambhota Tibetan School, Sonada is located within Shivalik Range of Himalayan Mountains at an altitude of approx. 6500ft. in the West Bengal state of India. It is 65 km from Siliguri city and 17 km from Darjeeling town. It was first established in the year 1975. Our school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E), New Delhi and there are classes from I-X.
Our school comprises of a Computer Room, Science Laboratory, Mathematics laboratory, Music/Dance Room, Resource Room, Library, Staff Room, P.E. Room and Exam Room.
Majority of our students reside at the hostel under the administration of Darjeeling Tibetan Refugee Co-operative Collective Farming Society Ltd (D.T.R.C.C.F.S. Ltd.), Sonada. They mostly hail from Nepal border, Mon-Tawang and Arunachal Pradesh.
Our school was under the Central Tibetan Schools Administration until 5th May, 2018, when it was handed over to Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society. On 28th May, 2018, the school was formally started to run under the administration of Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society.
Since the establishment of the Central School for Tibetans, Sonada, there have been several effective and efficient principals overseeing its operations. Mrs. Yangzom served as the principal of the school until 2024. Following the downgrade of the school to a primary level institution in 2024, she continued her service as the Headmistress.
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Downgraded to Primary School in 2024

Mrs. Yangzom
(Headmistress, STS Sonada)
Sambhota Tibetan School, Sonada
Distt – Darjeeling, Sonada – 734209
West Bengal, INDIA
Cell Phone No: 6295621171