Sambhota Tibetan School, Mundgod
(Primary School, Camp 6)
CBSE Affiliation No: 890002, School Code No: 06340
Managed by Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society
(Under the Department of Education, CTA, Dharamsala)
(Registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860) Registration No. S-E/403/Distt. South-EAST/2014
Sambhota Tibetan School, Mundgod
Sambhota Tibetan School Camp 6 Mundgod, located in North Karnataka was initially established under (Mysore Rehabilitation and Development Agency) MYRADA project. Thereafter, Tibetan Welfare Office, Mundgod had run this school. Later in 1978, it was undertaken by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Indian government under the name of Central School for Tibetans, camp-6, Mundgod. There were only 115 students with 5 teachers then. Until now series of headmasters have taken the initiative to develop the school. A dramatic improvement has happened since 2004, where MHRD has allotted funds for the development of school physical infrastructure such as classrooms, library, computer lab, science lab, construction of boundaries etc. Likewise, the well-furnished kitchen building was funded by “Initiative Oberland, Germany, constructed under the supervision of Sakya Monastery, Mundgod. It was inaugurated by Mrs. Angelika Rahim-Lechi and handed over to the school on 6th April, 2007. The cooks serve fresh and nutritious meals to the students.
For the professional growth of teachers, the Department of Education under the CTA has organized various workshops routinely as per the needs of teachers and students. The workshops are being funded by the USAID and follow-up workshops are carried out in the school. As per the Basic Education Policy (BEP) and timely guidance of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Gen Yeshi Tsondue from Drepung Loseling monastery voluntarily served the school for the students to arouse the interest in dialectic and use the logical reasoning to study other subjects as well. Presently, Ven. Rabten from the same monastery offers volunteer service for the same task and the students receive immense benefits from his service.
On 18/April/2016 the multi-roof renovation was sponsored by Estrella De La Manana, Zaragoza, Spain in association with Karma Foundation of Gashar Monastery, North Kanara.
In July, 2016 Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society under the administration of the Department of Education, CTA had undertaken this school from MHRD runs central schools for Tibetans. Pre-primary schools located at camp 6, 7 & 8 are supervised and managed by this school. Presently, there are 15 teaching staff and 4 non-teaching staff with 129 students.
Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society directly administers manages and supervises the smooth functioning of the schools except the allowance of the staff salary by the MHRD, Indian government. Well qualified teachers and staff are directly appointed by the STSS head office, Dharamsala. All the appointed staff put their continuous effort to bring improvement in the all-round development of the students. The betterment and upgrade of this school is being carried out by the incessant and generous support received from the community.
Recently Sternstunden and Initiative Oberland from Germany have funded our School through SakyaMonastery for renovation of the music room and the drainage system. It has helped in making our school environment beautiful, clean and hygienic.
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Mr. Dhondup
(Headmaster, STS Mundgod)
Sambhota Tibetan School, Mundgod
Camp No.6, Branch No.I,
P.O.Tibetan Colony, Mundgod – 581411
District North Kanara, (Karnataka)
Contact No.: 8861341268