Sambhota Tibetan School, Mainpat
(Primary School)
Managed by Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society
(Under the Department of Education, CTA, Dharamsala)
(Registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860) Registration No. S-E/403/Distt. South-EAST/2014
Sambhota Tibetan School, Mainpat
This school was established in February 1963 by the Tibetan Settlement people but later it was undertaken by Central Tibetan Schools Administration, Government of India, New Delhi. This settlement is located in the central India in a very remote tribal locality. In the month of July, 2016 the administration of this school was transferred to Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society.
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Mr. Dawa Tsering
(Headmaster, STS Mainpat)
Sambhota Tibetan School, Mainpat
Phendeling Tibetan Settlement,
P.O. Kamleshwarpur Mainpat – 497111
District Sarguja (Chhattisgarh)
Mobile. No.: 79741-12524