Sambhota Tibetan School, Chauntra & Bir
(Secondary School)
CBSE Affiliation No: 630120, School Code No: 43105
Managed by Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society
(Under the Department of Education, CTA, Dharamsala)
(Registered under the Societies Registration Act No.25 of 2006) Registration No. 470/2006
STS Chauntra Secondary School
Sambhota Tibetan School Chauntra is located in Mandi District in the state of Himachal Pradesh. It was founded by TIRS on 26th September 1978 to provide elementary education to the children of Tibetan community in Chauntra. Later on, the CTSA provided its support to the school.
Initially the school had classes from KG to class III. A number of donors have provided financial support for the construction of classrooms, staff quarters and purchase of furniture in the school. The school was brought under the administration of the Department of Education in 1980 and it is being administered and managed by the Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society Dharamshala under the direction of DoE, Central Tibetan Administration and was upgraded to class V.
The school was later upgraded to Middle school i.e., up to class VIII. It was formally inaugurated by H. H. the fourteenth Dalai Lama on 17th February 1981. Boarding facility was made available when a number of Tibetan children from Tuting (a far flung place in the north east of India) started joining the school in 1998. Till date the school has received four batches of children from the area. As such, most of the children of the school are from Tuting. The school at present is a secondary school with class X as the highest.
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Mr. Lekshey Nyima
(Principal, STS Chauntra School)
Sambhota Tibetan School, P.O. Chauntra,
Distt. Mandi – 175 032 (H.P.), INDIA
Phone: 01908 – 252518
Cell Phone No: 9805042385
Mrs. Dolma Lhadon (Headmistress)
Sambhota Tibetan School, P.O. Chauntra,
Distt. Mandi – 175 032 (H.P.), INDIA
Phone: 01908 – 252518
Cell Phone No: 70183-26844

Mrs. Pasang Lhamo
(Officiating Headmistress, STS Bir)
Sambhota Tibetan School,
Bir-176077 Distt: Kangra (H.P.), INDIA
Cell Phone No: 7876535357

STS Bir Primary School
Sambhota Tibetan School Bir was intially started by the name of Bir Tibetan Day School. It was set up as a Pre Primary School with seven children by the Tibetan rehabilitation Sociey (TIRS) in 1969. The school is located in the heart of Bir Tibetan Settlement. It is 70 Km from Dharamsala in Kangra District. By the year 1972 number of children in the school has increased to 77. The Central Tibetan School Administration, New Delhi also pitched in to support the school with its grant in aid scheme. When the TIRS withdrew its support due to financial crisis in 1981, the Department of Education (DoE) took over the responsibility for its proper functioning and management. In 1999, all DoE run schools were handed to Sambhota Tibetans Schools Society (STSS). Subsequently the school name has been changed to Sambhota Tibetan School Bir. At that time there were 125 students. Today it is a primary school having classes from pre primary to class 3. There are total 63 students with 8 teaching and 2 non teaching staff. Mrs Chime Dolma is the current headmistress of the school.
Since 2006, the school has implanted the Basic Education Policy (BEP) for Tibetans in exile. It follows the grading system of evaluation. The school emphasizes on holistic education, providing joyful learning environment and ensure all round development for the children.
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