Sambhota Tibetan School, Bylakuppe
(Senior Secondary School)
CBSE Affiliation No: 890001, School Code No: 45014
Managed by Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society
(Under the Department of Education, CTA, Dharamsala)
(Registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860) Registration No. S-E/403/Distt. South-EAST/2014
Sambhota Tibetan School, Bylakuppe
Sambhota Tibetan School, Bylakuppe is located in the Lugsung Samdup Ling Tibetan Settlement, Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India. This school was handed over to the administration of Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society (STSS) under Department of Education, CTA, Dharamsala on May 05, 2018 by Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA) under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. It was one of the major schools under Central Tibetan School Administration (CTSA) and now under Sambhota Tibetan School Society (STSS). Moreover, the school was established in the year 1962 and has Primary School branches at Chowkur, Kailashpura, Gulledhalla and Arlikumari. On 3rd December, 2013 all the 4 branch schools were transferred to STSS and subsequently Chowkur branch has been closed due to shortage of strength. These schools were established to impart modern education and to preserve as well as to promote the rich Tibetan cultural heritage among the children of Tibetan refugees settled in & around Bylakuppe.
This school is running classes from VI to XII besides three feeding primary schools and is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Tibetan is the medium of instruction at the primary level while English in middle and secondary classes. The schools follow the textbooks published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) as prescribed by CBSE.
Central School for Tibetans, Bylakuppe, now called Sambhota Tibetan School, Bylakuppe has been one of the oldest schools of CTSA born in 1962 with primary branch schools presently at Kailashpura, Arlikumari and Gulledhalla.
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Mr. Dawa Tashi
(Principal, STS Bylakuppe)
Sambhota Tibetan School, Bylakuppe,
Lugsam Tibetan Settlement, District Mysuru,
571104, Karnataka State.
Mobile No.: 08223295434, 9002776437