Mewoen Tsuglag Petoen School
Model School For The Implementation of Basic Education Policy
Elementary Education Board, Recognition Code Number: 1954, Department of Education, Govt. of HP
Managed by Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society
(Under the Department of Education, CTA, Dharamsala)
(Registered under the Societies Registration Act No.25 of 2006) Registration No. 470/2006
Mewoen Tsuglag Petoen School
The Department of Education, CTA established this school as a model school for the implementation of Basic Education Policy for Tibetans in exile on 10th October, 2005. The school endeavors to follow and practise the policy not only for teaching-learning purpose but also to give holistic education to the children. It strongly emphasizes on imparting value education as well as traditional education. As stated in the BEP, teaching-learning up to class III is being done only in mother tongue i.e., Tibetan language. Teaching-learning of second language starts from class IV and third language from class VI.
Kalon Tripa Prof. Samdong Rinpoche had graciously inaugurated the school. The inaugural ceremony was attended by the respected Kalons, representatives from Tibetan Parliament in Exile and Judiciary, the Secretary of the DoE and Heads of Tibetan schools in and around Dharamsala. In his inaugural speech, Kalon Tripa congratulated the Department of Education (DoE) for the successful establishment of the first Petoen School based on the Basic Education Policy. He addressed that some people might have misunderstanding that the new education policy is all about learning of Tibetan language; ignoring completely of modern education. He added, both modern education and our traditional education are important, yet the traditional education is the ultimate choice for the preservation of our culture and Tibetan identity.
Parents of students had repeatedly requested that, it was hard for them to buy new clothes again and again for their children. And by taking their opinion into action, in 2018, the Department of Education implemented a new rule for school students to wear a school uniform; the students then had experienced a school uniform for the first time ever. Before that, they used to wear casual dress that indicated the sign of basic education policy.
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Mr. Lekshey Nyima
(Principal, Mewoen Tsuglag Petoen School)
Mewoen Tsuglag Petoen School,
C/O Sherab Gatsel Lobling (TTS) Thehr, Manji Khad,
P.O Khanyara-176218, Dharamsala,
Distt. Kangra (Himachal Pradesh, INDIA
Phone: (+91) 01892 – 222462 / 202117, Mob. No: 98050 42385